A Caribbean Love Cruise with Steve Fox

Go Cruising For Love in the Caribbean with Steve Fox and Perry Silver

Four days and three nights from Ft. Lauderdale with stops in Key West, Nassau, and a day at sea.

Special Theme nights, FREE cocktail parties, including a “Pirates and Wenches Party!” Come dance the night away! We’re offering a Balcony Cabin at a rate that is LESS than the ship’s rate for an ocean view, and we are providing every cabin with a $100 onboard credit, as well as FREE Champagne and FREE treats!

On this cruise, a balcony cabin cruise fare is $335.00 per person, double occupancy, plus port charges and taxes of $145.76 per person. The drink package plus WIFI is $220.00 more per person. Tips are $18 per day per person. My Balcony rates are only a few dollars more than interior cabins! What a deal!

Singles traveling alone: Double the cruise fare, plus taxes of $145.76 for one person.

All rates are subject to availability at the time of booking. Free matchmaking service!

For more information, or to book, please fill in the following information & return to Perry via email: atravelinman@yahoo.com

Please ask any questions by sending Perry an email, or call 954-560-2800.


                              1st guest                     2nd guest                                                                          

City, State & Zip                                                                                                                                 

Cell phone                                                                                                                                          

Email address                                                                                  

Date of birth

Military Service?              Y__ N__                            Y__N__

Past guest; Captain’s Club #   Y__ N__                            Y__N__                                                           

Do you need a roommate?        Y__ N__                            Y__N__                                                             

Do you want travel insurance?  Y__ N__                            Y__N__

Credit Card #                                                     Credit Card #

Exp date:                   Code:                                 Exp Date:               Code:

Cards are processed by the cruise line.  Text or phone card info to 954 560 2800

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