A Caribbean Love Cruise with Steve Fox
Four days and three nights from Ft. Lauderdale with stops in Key West, Nassau, and a day at sea.
Special Theme nights, FREE cocktail parties, including a “Pirates and Wenches Party!” Come dance the night away! We’re offering a Balcony Cabin at a rate that is LESS than the ship’s rate for an ocean view, and we are providing every cabin with a $100 onboard credit, as well as FREE Champagne and FREE treats!
On this cruise, a balcony cabin cruise fare is $335.00 per person, double occupancy, plus port charges and taxes of $145.76 per person. The drink package plus WIFI is $220.00 more per person. Tips are $18 per day per person. My Balcony rates are only a few dollars more than interior cabins! What a deal!
Singles traveling alone: Double the cruise fare, plus taxes of $145.76 for one person.
All rates are subject to availability at the time of booking. Free matchmaking service!
For more information, or to book, please fill in the following information & return to Perry via email: atravelinman@yahoo.com
Please ask any questions by sending Perry an email, or call 954-560-2800.
COPY AND PASTE THIS FORM INTO AN EMAIL AND SEND TO: atravelinman@yahoo.com 1st guest 2nd guest Name Address City, State & Zip Cell phone Email address Date of birth Military Service? Y__ N__ Y__N__ Past guest; Captain’s Club # Y__ N__ Y__N__ Do you need a roommate? Y__ N__ Y__N__ Do you want travel insurance? Y__ N__ Y__N__ Credit Card # Credit Card # Exp date: Code: Exp Date: Code: Cards are processed by the cruise line. Text or phone card info to 954 560 2800
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